November 2024: Our paper “Investigating the role of thrombosis and false lumen orbital orientation in the hemodynamics of Type B aortic dissection” has been published in Nature Scientific Reports! Congratulations to the whole team!

September 2024: Our paper “Tactile Sensing and Grasping Through Thin-Shell Buckling” has been featured in the back cover of Advanced Intelligent Systems!

September 2024: Michael and Eleonora gave the ASME Henry Hess Early Award Presentation at the 2024 ASME E-Fests Careers! Congratulations!

June 2024: Our paper “Tactile Sensing and Grasping Through Thin-Shell Buckling” has been published in Advanced Intelligent Systems! Congrats Kieran for this amazing work!

June 2024: Our collaborative paper “Machine intelligence accelerated design of conductive MXene aerogels with programmable properties” with Prof. Po-Yen Chen has been published in Nature Communications! Congrats Kieran for your excellent contribution to this work!

May 2024: It has been an incredible honor to show our lab and research projects to Prof. Mary C. Boyce during her visit at UMD!

May 2024: Our paper “Dynamic Behavior of Bistable Shallow Arches: From Intrawell to Chaotic Motion” published in the ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics has been awarded the prestigious ASME Henry Hess Early Career Publication Award!

April 2024: Congrats Kieran for being awarded the NSF GRFP Honorable Mention!

February 2024: Our paper “Dynamic Behavior of Bistable Shallow Arches: From Intrawell to Chaotic Motion” has been published in the ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics! Congrats Michael for this amazing work!

April 2023: Tubaldi is awarded the NSF CAREER Award!

April 2023: Congrats Michael an Kieran for being recognized at the 2023 Mechanical & Reliability Engineering Award Reception!

April 2023: Congrats Michael for being awarded the prestigious NDSEG Fellowship!

March 2023: Our collaborative paper “3D-Printed Microinjection Needle Arrays via a Hybrid DLP-Direct Laser Writing Strategy” with the BAM Lab has been featured in the cover of Advanced Materials Technologies! Kudos to the whole team!

March 2023: Congrats Anthony, Kieran, and Michael for your great talks at the 2023 APS March Meeting in Las Vegas!

September 2022: Congrats Anthony for being awarded the 2022-2023 Maryland Robotic Center Graduate Research Fellowship!

August 2022: Welcome Kieran and Michael as PhD students in the Tubaldi Lab!

August 2022: Congratulations to Elizabeth and Kaz for their Research Summer Internship in the Tubaldi Lab as part of the Science, Mathematics, Computer Science Program of the Montgomery Blair High School! Anthony has been a great mentor for their research activity on soft robotic metamaterials!

July 2022: Congrats Joseph and the students from the ESTEEM/SER-Quest Summer Program! Your Research Summer activity has been a real success!

June 2022: Our paper “Functional Analysis of Arteriovenous Fistulae in Non-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Images” is out on Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine! Kudos to the whole team!

May 2022: Congrats Kieran for being selected as 2022 Chairman’s Award!

April 2022: Congrats Sunandita (co advisor Dr. Ryan Sochol) for being awarded the MRC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship!

August 2021: Welcome Anthony as a PhD student in the Tubaldi Lab and congrats on your Clark Doctoral Fellowship! Very well deserved!

August 2021: Prof. Tubaldi receives the NSF and USNC/TAM Early Career Presenter Fellowship to ICTAM 2020+1!

July 2021: Congrats Anthony and the students from the ESTEEM/SER-Quest Summer Program! Your Research Summer activity has been outstanding!

June 2021: Our study in collaboration with the Bertoldi Group on nonreciprocity in nonlinear mechanical metamaterials is out in Nature Communications! Featured on Harvard SEAS News

June 2021: Prof. Tubaldi receives the 2021 ASME SB3C Young Faculty Diversity Participation Award!

May 2021: Congrats Midhun, Yash, Sayani, and Anthony on your graduation!

November 2020: Prof. Tubaldi receives the 2020 Haythornthwaite Young Investigator Award – Robert M. and Mary Haythornthwaite Foundation from the ASME Applied Mechanics Division!

July 3, 2020: The Tubaldi Lab has been fully renovated and it is ready to welcome you!